
Don't waste time searching for information related to your cases

Review all case and client updates easily, and in one place!

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    Notification settings

    Set up email notifications about important events and case changes.

    Focus on what is important to you – receive email notifications only about changes and updates that interest you.


    Monitor your cases
    and the work completed

    Streamline your practice. When staff works on your cases, adds documents, or completes tasks, all the activity appears in your Feed to keep you informed.

    Save time, money, and reduce errors. With Case.one you will be sure that you and your team are working together.


    Quickly find upcoming events

    Easily browse events related to a specific case.

    Filter events by creation date, type, recent changes or choose upcoming events to quickly locate necessary information.

One solution. Endless value.
Second generation web-based practice management.

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